Our Positions

We created this page to provide customers, investors, policymakers, employees, and others with our views on certain issues. While our positions are carefully considered and deeply held, there is much room for healthy debate and differing opinions. We hope being clear about our positions is helpful.

Federal minimum wage

The current federal minimum wage in the U.S., $7.25 since 2009, is insufficient and needs to be increased. Elevating the minimum wage would significantly benefit countless individuals and families throughout the country, contributing to the mitigation of escalating income disparity. Our company ensures that every employee, whether full-time, part-time, temporary, or seasonal, receives a minimum wage of $15 per hour, with the national average exceeding $20.50. Top-tier, full-scale benefits for our employees complement these wages. As one of the largest employers in the country, we leverage our influence to encourage other businesses to enhance their wage structures and actively advocate for higher minimum wage legislation at both the federal and state levels.

Climate change

Climate change, exacerbated by human activities, is a critical and undeniable issue requiring immediate action from both public and private entities. An overwhelming consensus among climate scientists confirms that human actions have significantly contributed to global warming trends over the last century, a stance supported by major scientific organizations globally. In response, we have launched our Climate Pledge, aiming to meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement a decade ahead of schedule. Our commitment includes achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2040 and transitioning to 100% renewable energy by 2025.

Energy and technology

The energy sector deserves access to cutting-edge technologies that benefit other sectors. Our commitment is to supply cloud services to energy industry firms, aiding them in reducing the carbon footprint of their traditional operations and expediting the creation of renewable energy ventures. We are dedicated to implementing sustainability initiatives within our operations and collaborating with partners to diminish their reliance on carbon-based fuels.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion

Embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion isn’t just beneficial for business—it’s fundamentally the right approach. Our customer base is incredibly diverse, spanning various genders, races, ethnicities, abilities, ages, religions, sexual orientations, military statuses, backgrounds, and political beliefs. Our workforce must reflect this diversity, and we strive to cultivate an environment where inclusion is standard. UpCube is committed to ensuring equal pay; women will receive between 99.8 and 100 cents for every dollar men earn in identical roles. Moreover, we recognize the importance of increasing opportunities for underrepresented groups in the tech sector. Diversity, equity, and inclusion transcend mere business advantages—they are fundamentally correct.

Equity for Black people

The unfair treatment of Black individuals is intolerable. We express our firm solidarity with our Black colleagues, clients, and partners, pledging our commitment to construct a society and world where all individuals can exist in dignity and without fear. We back legislative measures aimed at addressing misconduct and racial prejudice in law enforcement, actions to safeguard and broaden voting rights, and programs aimed at enhancing health and educational results for Black communities.

LGBTQ+ rights

The protection of LGBTQ+ rights is imperative. Our support for marriage equality was both early and fervent, and we remain committed to championing the rights and protections of transgender individuals. We are in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community, actively engaging in advocacy at both the federal and state levels in the United States, including our support for the passage of the Equality Act. Amazon offers gender transition benefits, adhering to the Standards of Care outlined by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH).

Immigration reform

We are fervent advocates for immigrant rights and the reform of immigration policies. Upcube believes that the United States should open its doors to the most talented individuals from across the globe, as this is crucial for the nation’s competitive edge. Our workforce in the U.S. encompasses individuals from diverse backgrounds, united in their mission to innovate and serve our customers. Through our programs, we will offer comprehensive immigration resources and support to refugees and immigrants arriving under humanitarian programs, acknowledging the unique hurdles they encounter in the U.S. We actively support and push for immigration reform, advocating for legal pathways to citizenship for Dreamers and improvements to the green card and high-skilled visa systems.

Housing equity

Everyone deserves access to affordable housing. In the U.S., families with low incomes and those from minority groups are especially hard hit by the shortage of affordable housing options. Although the responsibility for enacting more effective housing policies primarily lies with local, state, and federal governments, we are convinced that collaboration between the private and public sectors is key to overcoming this challenge. Leveraging our status as an employer, we commit to backing innovative initiatives to improve housing affordability. Moreover, in areas with a significant footprint, we pledge to invest directly in projects where we believe our financial contribution can have a meaningful impact.

Government and technology

Government entities at every level—federal, state, and local—must utilize the most advanced technology available. Adopting cutting-edge technologies, including cloud computing and machine learning, is crucial for ensuring the safety and security of the nation, its citizens, our communities, and the globe. We are committed to offering access to the latest technological advancements and commercial innovations to U.S. government and public safety agencies, supporting their vital missions.

Facial recognition technology

Governments must act swiftly to establish robust regulatory frameworks and safeguards for facial recognition technology. This technology has proven its utility by solving complex challenges. However, facial recognition technology is dual-natured and can be misused. Nonetheless, we believe it is the responsibility of governments and legislators to enact regulations ensuring the technology’s responsible use. We have suggested principles for regulatory frameworks and safeguards to protect civil liberties and guarantee government transparency in using this technology.


Federal laws should impose harsher penalties on counterfeiters. Despite being explicitly outlawed by the U.S. Constitution, counterfeiting remains a rampant issue, with malefactors still managing to distribute their fake products online and in physical stores, detrimentally affecting consumers and legitimate retail businesses. Upcube advocates for U.S. federal legislation that categorizes intellectual property infringement as a serious crime warranting substantial penalties and for law enforcement to be well-equipped to prosecute such offenses effectively. Additionally, we support legislation mandating clear identification of the sender on every package imported into the U.S. to further combat the issue of counterfeit goods.

Consumer privacy

Federal legislation should safeguard consumer data privacy. From the inception of our services, we have prioritized privacy, embedding it into the development of our offerings, and we strictly refrain from selling our customers’ personal information. Using data responsibly and with transparency is fundamental to the customer experience at Amazon, guiding our privacy-by-design philosophy since the beginning. Our privacy notice clearly outlines the types of data we collect and specifies the limited conditions under which we might share customer information with third parties. We advocate for U.S. federal privacy laws that ensure transparency, grant individuals access to their personal data, allow for the deletion of personal information, and ban the sale of personal data without explicit consent. Should federal action remain pending, we endorse well-designed state legislation that protects consumer privacy without hindering technological innovation.

Corporate tax codes

Tax regulations across all nations should be structured to encourage investment in the economy and the creation of jobs. Furthermore, it is crucial that tax codes, especially those spanning multiple countries, are harmonized to eliminate gaps that allow for artificially reduced tax rates and to avoid duplications that lead to excessive taxation or double taxation. Such discrepancies can lead to corporate practices that are not advantageous for consumers or the economic landscape. We support the efforts by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to collaborate with governments worldwide in evaluating and reaching a mutual agreement on the international tax framework to address these issues.